Friday 12 February 2010

Take 1 =]

Okay dokes. Here is my 365 update for the past week :)
#038/365, 07-02-2010:
This was sunday, and even though I was reaaally tired, had loads of work to do... I just couldn't put this book down, I'm also plagued by the dvd of the series based on it - I LOVE IT =D

#039/365, 08-02-2010:
Not the greatest picture of me... but, I wanted to show off my new tea necklace, combined with the tea necklace my wonderful Emily ( got me for christmas... well... I thought it worked!

#040/265, 09-02-2010:
Me and my loverly Hannah got into college really early, so we sat in our usual spot in biology - on the floor in the middle of the corridor by the radiator. And, for some reason, we decided to memorise all the types of sponge :) So I took a picture... I like the Boring Sponge tee hee!

#041/365, 10-02-2010:
Today I cheated... I have two pictures to share... the first is:

Wednesday, me, Emily and Choob went to see the Chippendales - it was amazing, 2 days later and I am desperate to see it again! I didn't know what to expect, but the showmanship was awesome, the show hilarious, and the guys... well... yum :) Me and lovely Leena took some pictures with them, well, these things have to be done ;) - you only live once!! But seriously, this is the first time theyve been to England in 5 years - and even if I have to Road Trip across America, I plan on seeing them again... bloody soon!!! Pahaha

Okay... so heres the cheat bit, I want to share a second picture, not because of it being a good picture... but due to the step forward it represents in my life:
Yes, it is remarkably yellow, but that works - it hides the other things I worry about. Above, is the first picture I have taken, conciously smiling, with my teeth showing, since I was in about Year 8. My teeth were still in my mouth - another step forward - and actually, it didn't look as horrific as I thought - next I need to learn to smile like this when other people are in the picture... but still... made me happy that I didn't run away and delete... pathetic child Ahaha!!

#042/365, 11-02-2010:
This I took for many reasons:
  1. I was having an appalling evening, and tea made it better!
  2. Make a wish... is so true, everyone needs to keep striving, aiming, and, most of all, believing...
  3. Its Disney - I bought it in Disneyland Florida... and tomorrow... we'll be going to DISNEYLAND PARIS!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH, SO EXCITED!! I LOVE YOU EMILYJAYNE!!!

Okay... 365 updated.... and I have an excuse to not update til wednesday - DISNEY baby!!!! When you read this Emily sweetie, I love you, actual. Flipping. Love you! :) Yayayyyayayayaayyyyy xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. :) lovely blogging bee :) loving the new tea necklace! fab xx


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