Wednesday 30 December 2009

Wow, the year is almost over...

Been a while since I posted, christmas in the way and coursework and other stuff (including sales ;) to contend with...
A little overview of my Christmas in Wales.... manic!! We got there wednesday and went straight to my cousins birthday with my grandparents, when from their to the other grandparents with some other cousins for my grandmas birthday, and the hectic running from one to the other continued on until we returned sunday night...
Christmas itself was as manic as always, stressful but also nice to spend time with my family - especially my little cousins who I don't see often, and also, I got some lovely jewellery, cardigan, bag, books, dvds, Cookies and Creme Vodka (interestingly very yummy, like a lighter Baileys) among other things, but most exciting of all... I got my camera!!!!
A Canon EOS 450! Which I love love love (I've called him Corduroy!), but the lense has had to be sent back as it was the wrong one... still, below is some pictures of me with it....

I was wearing a new scarf from my mum, and my grampas Breton Sailor/Fisherman Cap, which he stole back, but I love so much I'm buying my own!! I was also wearing some new jewellery... but unfortunately I didn't get any closeups.... I do have some other christmas purchases to upload at some point...

They were taken on Boxing Day, when me and my dad drove out to a castle to take some pictures - lucky for us their were four Red Kites flying round the area which had only just been reintroduced!I shall update when I get my lense back and put the rest of the pictures online, and, of course, to start 365 on Friday!

Also, 5 days til my 18th...

That is all, farewell, love me xoxoxo

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Only...Two More Sleeps Til Christmaaas Daaaay!!

Okay, so here it is, a very short - as I am meant to be packing, and possibly my last - because tomorrow I embark on a journey to Cymru, post before christmas.

Indeed, tomorrow morning, despite the weather warnings, ice and accidents, my family and I will be loading up a car full of presents and travelling off into the wonderful wales, incidentally where I was born and my family live.

There to be greeted by cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents, it is the first christmas in years I have with my youngest cousins and I cannot wait to make it as magical for them as it was once made for me....

In preparation, today, I made mince pies (they are ickle ickle, with stars on) and some cranberry and white chocolate biscuits... yummers!

However, already in the christmas spirit, I have had a week packed full of christmassy times with my friends, and would like to throw my thanks into the wideness of this world web, at how amazing and thoughtful it was for them all to give presents...

Thats all for now, as I really should get ready to go! But, unless internet miraculously works (unlikely) have a very merry christmas, one and all... And I shall leave you with a parting picture of one of this weeks festive gatherings...
With my bestest friends, Emily and Emily... Two people who I love, and who make my life so much wonderfuller! Merry, Merry Christmas!!

Monday 21 December 2009

Wherever You Find Love, It Feels Like Christmas... ~ Muppets Christmas Carol

Well, with 4 sleeps til christmas, festivities in full swing, no wonder I didn't get chance to blog yesterday... but I'm back, with much to tell....
First: Presents ;) I absolutely love giving... and receiving, but mostly giving... And I have finally had the chance!!
  • Saturday night: My gorgeous KitKat Katie came round, and we played upwords ;) And watched Chicago, Ratatouille and Sweeney Todd! We also exchanged christmas presents, and seeing as we're likeminded with such things I got her an adorable necklace from Anna Lou of London! that says Sunshine on it... and she gave me the most amazing Kate Garey bag, with a cup of tea and slice of toast on it... now, watch this blog for long enough and you'll realise I LOVE TEA!!! It was absolutely amazing and I love her, and we had an awesomely christmassy night!!!!
  • Last night: My gingerface, Emily, came round for chineseee... little did she know, she'd have a chinese bowl to eat it out off (from Octopus in Carnaby Street, London)...even if she did pour cocktail in it!! But the highlight of the show was the most amazing teacup and spoon necklace she bought me, inside a BARBIE makeup bag, with teapot and TEA :)... notice a theme?!!!
  • On the point of giving... I finally finished one of my other beautiful Emilys presents...( But more later, when she's opened it, can't give it away... shhhhh!!

So, as you can see, christmas cheer is causing me much excitement!!!!!!!... I do love christmas!

On the christmas and giving theme, I finally have a picture of one of the most amazing things anyone has ever made!! An advent calender, from my darling EmilyJayne!! I had hoped to get a better picture first... but I can hardly wait to share the amazingness of it... *Drumroll please*

So, as you can see, its huuuge and beautiful... and everday has a picture of us (in chronological order of course!) and a quote... and I love quotes. It is this that helped me get through college and my last day of work before christmas!! I love her.

Andddd, I myself also did some christmas creativity yesterday!!! I decorated my grampas christmas cake!!... I do have one for our house, but seeing as I shall be in Wales for christmas, as I do every year, we won't be decorating it til the monday after christmas... so keep your eyes out!!

We went to the cake shop down the road from us, and I bought some cute little plastic penguins and a little christmas tree (unfortunately, due to forgetting to take a picture till the cake was in the box, the tree isn't in the pic...Doh!) but I thought something was lacking........ Sooo!!! I made a Polar Bear!!!

As you can see... he is a sleeping polar bear, and I think he worked quite well for a first attempt.... I've also decided that one of the penguins is making fun of him, because they know they won't be eaten, and the other one is just very confused... bless it!!

The method for this was on Kirsties Homemade Christmas, on Channel 4 a few weeks ago! And it was shockingly easy, even for someone with no artistic talent...

I plan on making a baby to go on my cake, and mayber that one will look EVEN better!... aha!

So.... I feel that is all for now, tonight I am going to a christmas gathering with some friendlings, and it should be a good night! Then tomorrow I am with more peoples, and have some more round in the evening... busy busy!!

I must apologise for my christmas babbling, but I just can't help myself... we'll get back onto less random matters soon, I do promise!

Check back soon, and keep some christmas cheer. Much love xoxo

Saturday 19 December 2009

Well, well, well! Long time, no see!

Hello all in the merry world of blogdom...
Needless to say my blogging has been very lax, infact... 16 days no blogging :O Crumbs!
I shall blame this on University visits and interviews, college work and going to work... but really its my own fault :)
So, before I launch into my ever-indulgent updates, I shall make an early 2010 Resolution:
I resolve to write my blog everyday of 2010 (where possible), whilst following my 365 project which will begin on January 1st!

There, and up till then, whilst my blog feels focusless, I shall pop in and out... for the next 12 days :D

Okaaay! So, update.
First things first.... the coat ;) That I promised to upload a photo off a whole 16 days ago, well, 16 days of procrastinating and I finally took some pictures... :D Although I hope to take some better ones another time.

I found this brilliantly amazing coat in Topshop - on the 'Buy Now Or Regret It Later' rack, and lo-and-behold, it was the exact coat I had been searching for... in my size... and in my budget!! Don't you love those days?! <3

I have developed an addiction to wearing this coat... and the next time I wear it out I shall take some real pictures for y'all in bloggerland!!

In other news, its less than a week till christmas - and I just went and picked up the last thing I need for christmas shopping so am about to start the final wrapping: Parents...

All my friends are wrapped :) But I can't take pictures or show you, because some of them read this...shhhh!!

So, I should probably dash and wrap wrap wrap, before they return from their christmas outing!

So long, farewell... but not for as long this time :) I promise!!

Toodles, Bethan xoxoxo

Thursday 3 December 2009

"Patience Is A Virtue"

Well, Patience had better be a virtue because I'm near about running out :) Shopping yesterday was apalling, I got one birthday present and a present for my parents and... that was it! I had so much intent and so little results...

However, this evening, after a biology filled day at college, I will be embarking on the Winchester Christmas Market in the hopes to find some extra special bits and bobs :)

On other news, I am endearing to wear my new coat today, so shall try and post it when Iget home!

22 days till christmas! I keep thinking I shouldn't be so excitable... afterall, I keep telling myself, I'm 18 in 32 days... but that just reminds me that christmas is in 22 days and I get all excitable again!! Oh well, tis the season to be jolly!

Let the festivities begin, ciao xoxo

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Christmas is coming....

Also, whilst I'm trying to get an opportunity to upload the pictures of yesterdays star purchase... which is difficult between coursework, college and university applications... I can't help but get into the christmas spirit :)

It started with the christmas movie I watched this morning... (Jingle All The Way, if you're interested), the advent candles I just gave my best friends (instead of cards) to the advent calender I'm already munching my way through, it makes me think back to last christmas...

Above is me and my best friend, Emily ( christmassing it up the year before last on our christmas meal! I can't wait for this year to see what outfits come out full force and take some wicked pictures ready to uplooad!

Back tomorrow with a report back on the christmas shopping I plan on doing... Anything around for christmas parties, now that is the question... xoxo

"Even if you're on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there" ~ Will Rogers

Wowow! December already, and so much shopping left to do... not to mention a christmas list left to finish ;)

Yesterday I couldn't be here because I was out and about looking at Birmingham Uni.... however, I did stop off into the wonderfull Bull Ring and pick up an amazingly multifunctional ribbon / belt / anything really... for a bargain of, wait for it, £2 :) [Pictures will be edited in]

Tomorrow, I'm heading into good old West Quay in Southampton to do a spot of christmas shopping... and also pick up something for christmas, so, shall post back when I have some new things to show off... :)

Peace out xoxo