Saturday 19 December 2009

Well, well, well! Long time, no see!

Hello all in the merry world of blogdom...
Needless to say my blogging has been very lax, infact... 16 days no blogging :O Crumbs!
I shall blame this on University visits and interviews, college work and going to work... but really its my own fault :)
So, before I launch into my ever-indulgent updates, I shall make an early 2010 Resolution:
I resolve to write my blog everyday of 2010 (where possible), whilst following my 365 project which will begin on January 1st!

There, and up till then, whilst my blog feels focusless, I shall pop in and out... for the next 12 days :D

Okaaay! So, update.
First things first.... the coat ;) That I promised to upload a photo off a whole 16 days ago, well, 16 days of procrastinating and I finally took some pictures... :D Although I hope to take some better ones another time.

I found this brilliantly amazing coat in Topshop - on the 'Buy Now Or Regret It Later' rack, and lo-and-behold, it was the exact coat I had been searching for... in my size... and in my budget!! Don't you love those days?! <3

I have developed an addiction to wearing this coat... and the next time I wear it out I shall take some real pictures for y'all in bloggerland!!

In other news, its less than a week till christmas - and I just went and picked up the last thing I need for christmas shopping so am about to start the final wrapping: Parents...

All my friends are wrapped :) But I can't take pictures or show you, because some of them read this...shhhh!!

So, I should probably dash and wrap wrap wrap, before they return from their christmas outing!

So long, farewell... but not for as long this time :) I promise!!

Toodles, Bethan xoxoxo


  1. Yay! You finally updated, lol. Loving the coat Bee! I'm super impressed that you've finished your Christmas shopping. And super jealous, lol. I love you Bethan; my rock, my world. (: x

  2. I love your coat. gorgeous xx

  3. My comment was posted last nigh :|
    The coat is nice :)
    The headdder is nice as well :)
    I like the update :)


Feel free to ramble along ;)