Thursday 3 December 2009

"Patience Is A Virtue"

Well, Patience had better be a virtue because I'm near about running out :) Shopping yesterday was apalling, I got one birthday present and a present for my parents and... that was it! I had so much intent and so little results...

However, this evening, after a biology filled day at college, I will be embarking on the Winchester Christmas Market in the hopes to find some extra special bits and bobs :)

On other news, I am endearing to wear my new coat today, so shall try and post it when Iget home!

22 days till christmas! I keep thinking I shouldn't be so excitable... afterall, I keep telling myself, I'm 18 in 32 days... but that just reminds me that christmas is in 22 days and I get all excitable again!! Oh well, tis the season to be jolly!

Let the festivities begin, ciao xoxo


  1. I'm excited for Christmas :) And I am 18 :P haha, also new coat?! I do remember your pink one :)

  2. New coat lovee? pictures? lol

    also urg your 32 is much smaller than my honking great 170. There is now a countdown on my computer



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