Tuesday 26 January 2010

So, I promised...

Okay, I may have promised to update more often... but not necessarily upload... today I was going too... but my head feels like its being crushed very slowly in a vice and I don't know how much longer I can put up with it...
I'm also having some problems with some other plans and whatnot, and am back in the grips of the 'monkey'... whatever the monkey may be...
So today, things could be better.... and for that reason, this is all my post shall be, for fear of saying something I'll regret...
So for now, Bethan Out xoxo

Monday 25 January 2010

Right, last post of the day!!

So, whats going on with me you hasten to ask?! Not much, I hasten to answer...
I've been feeling ill for the last few days, and had a headache for a month and a bit, so I am going to the docs wednesday - how exciting!!

First exam is over, one more to go - then freedom, and my epiphany can be restarted - I may get to leave the house!!

I'm obsessed with Morning Train (Nine to Five) - Sheena Easton, epic song for cheering me up :)

Some things going wrong, some things going right - but what can you do... when I know how some things work out, you'll be here to rant at ;)
Also, I said the other day that there was an outfit I wanted to share with you... well, here it is:

I took two pictures because the cool cat I am felt like it - the top/jumper thing is Topshop, as are the jeans... and the necklace, which I love, is Anna Lou of London! I just loved the combination, as the jumper is Alice in Wonderland themed... which tied in with my "3 Wishes" necklace...
Just something worth sharing :)

Here we goooo....

Okay, final catch up:)

#021/365, Thursday 21st January: This is my childs umbrella which I bought ages ago for three distinct reasons: Firstly, it was for Breast Cancer, Secondly, it says 'Beth For Think Pink' on it - so I added an 'an' so now its says 'Bethan For Think Pink' and thirdly... there are sparkly bits that move in the handle :) So I took a picture because it was the first time this year its been wet enough to take it out!!

#022/365, Friday 22nd January:

I was just playing around with settings of Corduory as I tend to do... and liked the effect the convex glass had on this orchid, so yeah, s'bout it... :)

#023/365, Saturday 23rd January:
I have spent all weekend revising, I haven't seen anybody else - add to that the fact that I feel like death and this is what you get - my crazy father pretending to be a crocodile whilst putting out the mats.. yeah... is it any wonder I'm insane?!

#024/365, Sunday 24th January:

These are my parents! I decided they could be my 365 seeing as they were the only people I saw all day... I feel so confined!!!

#025/365, Monday 25th January - TODAY!! I CAUGHT UP :D

Today I had my first of the two january exams - biology- and it went appallingly, so I decided to photograph something positive instead - some of you may be aware that I have an addiction to polos, as in true addiction, going without gives me withdrawals and I go through packets today... well, no longer, this picture marks 6 days WITHOUT any polos!!! For some of you that won't mean much... but for me, that is a big deal!!!
Okay, so one more post today, an update post, and then, I pledge to (with exception of until Friday exam is done) be more up to date :D


So 3 confessions:
Keeping up my blog has been apalling - I blame feeling ill, and revision... But I'm back on track ;)
My pictures are still not that interesting - revision is taking so much of my time I don't have chance to take anything interesting... oh well, thats my life, It'll be interesting soon I hope!
This is actually quite depressing as its highlighting how little I do with my life... however, after friday, this will hopefully all change - as I won't have any more exams for an age!!
Soooo, to update you on: 365 first, I think I'll upload them in two lots, seeing as there are SOOO many to upload!!!! Here is the first 5:

#016/365, Saturday 16th January:

This is me cooking my absolute speciality - Cidered carrots (and behind is one of my other favourites, yumyum) I thought it was worth remembering there is something I cook that my family refuse to do themselves incase they get it wrong... I also have an obsession with the movement of water.... well, ciders close enough :P And this I got to photograph the droplets!!

#017/365, Sunday 17th January:

And so the liquid theme continues... This is how I spent the entire day, except for when I was at work of course.... makign tea!! I also love the shapes water flowing out of a kettle makes....

#018/265, Monday 18th January:

This is me and one my bestest friends, EmilyJayne :) For my birthday she bought me tickets to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, and last monday we went to see it :) (and dressed up of course) it was amazing, and hilarious, the whole audience erupting into song before it even started - its one of those things you never experience anywhere else, a complete unity of misfits and strange activities -- maybe that explains why I love it so much....

#019/365, Tuesday 19th January:

Today was my mummers birthday, but she decided to refuse to allow me to take a picture of her... so instead I took a picture of this, because I love it - it is my new necklace which I wore for the first time that day :)

#020/365, Wednesday 20th January:

These were flowers my mum got for her birthday from the wonderful Goddards... in a moment of artistic fancy, I realised how beautiful the change to red and green on the petals of the yellow flowers were... and that was something I could not resist photographing, sometimes I find the natural creativity of nature simply inspirational.....
Now, see next post for next pictures ;)


Tuesday 19 January 2010

I know. Naughty again...

So naughty, again!!
But I shall be online and uploading tomorrow

I also have an outfit to share with y'all which I quite liked!!

But for now, just a note to say I haven't forgotten you! Love love xoxo

Saturday 16 January 2010

Mega catch up...

Okay, so here is a superdeeduper catch up time of the pictures - this is #011 til #015 (Yesterday)!

#011/365, 11-01-2010:
That's right, number 11 is my scrubs dvd - this is because I spent all monday revising for the exams that are coming up and watching Scrubs - also I am in love with Zach Braff <3 So yeah, seemed appropriate!

#012/264, 12-01-2010:

This is my most beautiful Swarovski charm which one of my awesome friends Hannah dropped round on Tuesday, twas a birthday present - to celebrate my 18th birthday, and 18th year of knowing each other - and is appropriate seeing as she calls me Bee...

#013/365, 13-01-2010:

My mother has been going on all week about the pretty patterns our water feature lights make on the snow, so on wednesday I decided to snap it before it disappeared as it had snowed the night before :) Its simple but I thought it was quite pretty...

#014/365, 14-01-2010:

This was a pen... a flower pen... which one of my biology friends, Emily, gave me for my birthday as well as an adorable key ring and some cute hair clips! Abi, also in biology gave me an amazing light up bath duck, Terrys Chocolate Orange (to celebrate the anatomical creation we had previously made with one) and a cute demister... I thought I had to take a picture of one of the things to celebrate the fact I have some amazing newer friends, and the colours and fluffy bits on the pen made me happy, so there it is ;)

#015/365, 15-01-2010:

So, here is yesterdays - this is my life book! I'm filling it with things I want to do before I die, so that when I feel gloomy (like Eeyore ;) ) I can look in it and think about everything I may one day get to do... As things in my life are in contest, and issues are aplenty, I thought it would be appropriate to slip in the positivity...

None of these pictures are particularly creative... but thats because I'm spending most of my time revising, I do however, vow that I'm going to start to take proper pictures - not just for 365, but in general, and go out and do things... such as take pictures with some amazing friends and a very famous mouses world ;) Aha... Love you.


Friday 15 January 2010


I know I know, I'm naughty - I haven't blogged since monday... and I haven't uploaded my 365 pictures since last sundays! But things a bit manic at the moment, and things are going severely off the rails...

I will upload them tomorrow, I promise, in amidst the issues which I may spill tomorrow, we'll see how much a rant will help ;)

Just dropping by to let you know I haven't forgotten you, until then xoxo

Monday 11 January 2010

Catch up!

Wow, so now I have to catch up for two whole days! Both with 365, and life in general, and then later I need to upload todays... as well as declare my 'plan'! In my house, my mother knows, I always have a 'plan' - they never work out how they're supposed too... but this one... this one, I'm going to make work!!
Okay, above is my 365 for Saturday - 09-01-2010! It's EmilyJayne threading together a booklet, which pretty much sums up what I did most of my saturday afternoon.... lets hope it pays off!!

And this ^^ Is 365 for yesterday, 10-01-2010... Its the camera which caused us so much hassle!! But I finally have it back!!

After today, I'm going to try and pick up the 365 pictures - do more interesting ones, but we'll see...

Ciao for now xoxo

Saturday 9 January 2010

#008/365, 08-01-2010

I know, I'm playing catch up again, but here is yesterdays 365! Its a birthday present from one of my best friends, Matt!
I got my Corduroy back, so this was just me playing around with it... but I'm happy :)
Post todays later
Toodles xoxoxo

Thursday 7 January 2010

#007/365. 07-01-2010

"You should respect each other and avoid disputes; you should not, like oil and water, repel each other, but should, like milk and water, mingle together" -Buddha

As I promised, I have caught up, and here is todays 365:

This is a vintage milk bottle (I love vintage) filled with sequins and confetti I've collected up from special occassions... I thought they illustrated the quote... mingling together to create something I think is quite beautiful, and also represents, for me, a milk bottle full of memories...
So that's my 365 today, as I am trying to follow the quote and it feels quite apt for the things that happened today...
Thats all for now, not much else to report, just doing some organisation of something I hope to tell you all about soon!
Post later xoxoxo

#006/365, 06-01-2010 ~~ The future lies before you, like a field of driven snow. Be careful how you tread it, because every step will show...

Yes I know, still playing catch up.. this is yesterdays 365 picture:

Yes, I did go barefoot into the snow... and no, it wasn't a good idea!! Brrrr...

But I wanted to illustrate the quote in the title, as its a good my mother says - even though she doesn't know where she heard it, I think its beautiful, and surprisingly apparent for my life at the moment... So, it may not be the most artistically developed picture... but it means something all the same!

Ciao xoxoxo (I'll try and upload todays, TODAY!)

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Snow is falling, all around us...

After spending aaaages playing about with my new camera, and hours getting the software required to actually download...I managed and am getting to grips with Colin.

As today is yet to finish, who knows what 365 will be today... but here is yesterdays, it was just me playing about with settings on my camera... but I liked it:

I also wanted to quickly share my 18th birthday cake, because it was actually amazing:

Yay, post again later xoxoxo

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Oh shucks!!

YAAAAYYY! My point and shoot digital still camera arrived today - its a Sony Cybershot DSC-W215...called Colin!! bad news, I haven't had time to upload the software and thus can't upload my 365 picture for today, however, I have taken it so - especially as seeing how we'll probably have a snow day tomorrow (there is sooo much snoooooowwwww, and the buses are soooo slooooooow - plus I have a short day so by the time the bus got in I'd have to come home (Y) ) I'll sort out the software, upload todays 365 and tomorrows - I'll play catchup!!
It feels like failure, but I will be back on track ASAP!!


That is all for today, as this 18yearsand1dayold is gonna go snuggle up in bed with a cuppa, some birthday cake and an 18 DVD ;)...............
And get your mind out of the gutter (Emily this means you :P) I meaaan Mock The Week :D:D

Loveage xoxoxo

Monday 4 January 2010

Birthday timeeee and legal ;)

Well, its almost over - my 18th birthdayyyy :) And what a day it has been, birthdays are normally a bit of a disaster, and although it was at times it was prettyyyyy awesome!!

I had the most amazing presents from the most amazing friends (which I will update on tomorrow :):):) ) And, even though my SLR camera was a joint birthday/christmas present from my parents, I still go THE most gorgeous Swarovski pendant in a star shape - I love stars!! Which I shall definitely upload!!!
At lunch at college everyone surprised me with party poppers, banners and cake and sang and I swear I've never loved a group of people so much!!! It made the day seem special, in comparison to last year where most of the day I revised... except for a few special bits!!

Then I got home and went to our local to buy my first legal drink! And out to La Margharitas with my three best friends and parents, which was awesome and yummy - the 5 people I love most in this world!

Thank yooou so much to everyone!!! - I will upload more about everything tomorrow, but now I have some sorting out to do... which just leaves us with todays 365 picture, which of course, is a picture to show everything I love about my 3 favourite people :

love you all xoxoxo

BirthdayGirly <3

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
Happy Birthday to me.

That is all xoxoxo

Sunday 3 January 2010

#003/365... Shooooes!!

Okay, here we are (3rd of January eeeeep = day before my birthday!!) And I have already fallen into the trap I knew would occur - SHOES!!
Thats right folks, todays 365 picture is of shoes...
Here goes:

Shoes - Schuh, £45 - spent my birthday money from my great aunt :)

Okay, I know the picture is a bit crummy... but I do love those shoes, and I still don't have either of my cameras... so I'm allowed... I have posted some more more pictures of these shoes (which I plan on wearing to college tomorrow) at the bottom. However, my trek into southampton, as well as for birthday presents for people (which, fyi, I bought) was for some other shoes - Schuh Cosmos Lace Up Calf boots, to wear out on my birthday... Which I got... YAY! ... but had to order because they didn't have my size... BOO! Here are those boots, love of my young life:

Not the greatest picture... but don't worry, when they arrive in 2-5 working days you'll see lots of pics ;)

On other news I have decided where we're going for my birthday meal, but I'm not telling yooou yet! And I had an actually alright day at work :) So things are very merry, mostly!! Okay, now more shoes...

But firstly - Tomorrows 365 will be better, I promise! But I love shoes :):)

Yeah, so there we have it... I have some comfy, grippy and warm boots finally... that, my friends, is called success...

Ciao for now, as I must complete coursework before birthday times, xoxoxo

Saturday 2 January 2010


Okay, 2nd of January, Day 2 of Project 365... so here it is:

Today, we went to our 'local' - The Hampshire Bowman, with some family friends for lunch... and as we were walking out I decided I liked the way to Bowman on the door silhouetted against the fields... so I snapped it.
Unfortunately, my lense still isn't back and my Point-and-Shoot from my grandparents for my birthday (monday, not long left) hasn't arrived, so I had to borrow my dads camera... but here we go. Let 365 continue. xoxoxo

Epiphany 2010... Well, the first one!

Anyone who knows me well enough will know that throughout the year I have majooor mood swings... one day I'll be depressive and not caring, and the next I'll have an 'epiphany' and think there is so much worth living for... well today was the first, after all my plans fell through and so many things went wrong I thought there was no point... I was even going to stop doing Project365 (after one photo, oh yes I'm good at sticking things out...) but then some things happened which completely changed my point of view...So, mainly for my benefit, here is the list of what changed my mind today...
  1. I realised that, for the first time, I have a way to track how I feel and the things I do - somewhere to moan about things that go wrong, and somewhere to celebrate the good things... and somewhere to randomly ramble about stupid things - like the top I saw someone wearing today (she was a barmaid, and it was blue and longsleeved woollen jumper, that was actually amazing, don't worry, I asked where it was from ;)...) or the guy I saw in the pub...(Yum, but taken... aha) So sorry all people in blogworld, this is what you have to endure.
  2. I also realised that I can keep track of my photos, on here, on facebook, on Flickr, and in a photoalbum I've got... so I have no excuse! I just need the inspiration, and thats where point 4 comes in!
  3. The year started by fizzling out - you worry what the years going to be like when 3 loved ones are rushed into hospital on New Years Eve, and it made me realise how much I have to live for - I might as well make the most of it before its too late...
  4. I also realised I have so many opportunities, okay, so I may be a bit silly at times and say no when I want to say yes... so I'm going to start saying YES more! Everyday I'm going to say yes to things I normally wouldn't. And that, I may need to save up for uni, but that doesn't mean I can't spend on things worthwhile. ---- So, people out there (Emilys this means you), MAKE SURE I DO!
  5. I also have to go back to the doctors this week, and thinking about it, I've realised that if things go the way they keep going, I'm going to be glad to have appreciated everything past, present and future! Soo this is the year for it...
  6. "There is always a moment when you have to act, despite your fears, and jump out into the unknown" ~ Helene Lerner-Robbins, from "Our Power as Women" This is the year that I plan on jumping!

Sooo, today (after my coursework, oh shucks, there are somethings you just have to get done first... oh well, that'll count too) I am completely reorganising my life - starting with the clutter on my bedroom floor, and ending with a message to all the people I love - before I start yet another positivity kick, I have some things to clear up and get sorted. No more bull, no more covering it up. Honesty is my way forth. So watch out for that.

Okay, thats all for now :) I shall be back to update (with my 365 picture number 2!) in a few hours, after this stuff gets sorted. I just have to post it so that out there somewhere I had evidence of my plan, and therefore I had to do it... sorry for the ramblings.

Muchos love xoxoxo

Friday 1 January 2010

New Year, New Start...

So, its 2010...
Well, big whoopp...Not to be the new year grinch, but I'm not one of those people who see how ticking over an extra day on the calender has much effect on your life... but still, I guess it is a chance to start afresh, and lots will be happening this year!

Also, time to start my 365... (which I will also be keeping track of, plus other pictures, on http://www.flickr.com/photos/teacups-tightropes/ . Todays, of course is a fairly rubbish picture - I haven't had 365 days to practise yet...but here goes, the first of many...

This was how I saw in the New Year... along with a cup of tea of course, but pictures cannot improve until I get my lense back!! Silly Corduroy!

I've spent the day musing over the past year and thinking about the future, but my thoughts shall not be shared until tomorrow... I have some New Years Day television to watch, as pathetic as it is, and I can't wait til Big Fat Quiz Of The Year... I love it!
So, peace out from my first post of 2010 oxoxoxo