Monday 25 January 2010


So 3 confessions:
Keeping up my blog has been apalling - I blame feeling ill, and revision... But I'm back on track ;)
My pictures are still not that interesting - revision is taking so much of my time I don't have chance to take anything interesting... oh well, thats my life, It'll be interesting soon I hope!
This is actually quite depressing as its highlighting how little I do with my life... however, after friday, this will hopefully all change - as I won't have any more exams for an age!!
Soooo, to update you on: 365 first, I think I'll upload them in two lots, seeing as there are SOOO many to upload!!!! Here is the first 5:

#016/365, Saturday 16th January:

This is me cooking my absolute speciality - Cidered carrots (and behind is one of my other favourites, yumyum) I thought it was worth remembering there is something I cook that my family refuse to do themselves incase they get it wrong... I also have an obsession with the movement of water.... well, ciders close enough :P And this I got to photograph the droplets!!

#017/365, Sunday 17th January:

And so the liquid theme continues... This is how I spent the entire day, except for when I was at work of course.... makign tea!! I also love the shapes water flowing out of a kettle makes....

#018/265, Monday 18th January:

This is me and one my bestest friends, EmilyJayne :) For my birthday she bought me tickets to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, and last monday we went to see it :) (and dressed up of course) it was amazing, and hilarious, the whole audience erupting into song before it even started - its one of those things you never experience anywhere else, a complete unity of misfits and strange activities -- maybe that explains why I love it so much....

#019/365, Tuesday 19th January:

Today was my mummers birthday, but she decided to refuse to allow me to take a picture of her... so instead I took a picture of this, because I love it - it is my new necklace which I wore for the first time that day :)

#020/365, Wednesday 20th January:

These were flowers my mum got for her birthday from the wonderful Goddards... in a moment of artistic fancy, I realised how beautiful the change to red and green on the petals of the yellow flowers were... and that was something I could not resist photographing, sometimes I find the natural creativity of nature simply inspirational.....
Now, see next post for next pictures ;)



  1. That shot of the flowers is amazing! and the tea... love the flow of the water... so pretty. Also! Bee that clock is enormous :P ironic considering your time telling abilities lol xx

  2. Well, I'm lucky I don't rely on it to tell me the time :P Especially since I can't read the time that it permanently is on... oops


Feel free to ramble along ;)