Saturday 16 January 2010

Mega catch up...

Okay, so here is a superdeeduper catch up time of the pictures - this is #011 til #015 (Yesterday)!

#011/365, 11-01-2010:
That's right, number 11 is my scrubs dvd - this is because I spent all monday revising for the exams that are coming up and watching Scrubs - also I am in love with Zach Braff <3 So yeah, seemed appropriate!

#012/264, 12-01-2010:

This is my most beautiful Swarovski charm which one of my awesome friends Hannah dropped round on Tuesday, twas a birthday present - to celebrate my 18th birthday, and 18th year of knowing each other - and is appropriate seeing as she calls me Bee...

#013/365, 13-01-2010:

My mother has been going on all week about the pretty patterns our water feature lights make on the snow, so on wednesday I decided to snap it before it disappeared as it had snowed the night before :) Its simple but I thought it was quite pretty...

#014/365, 14-01-2010:

This was a pen... a flower pen... which one of my biology friends, Emily, gave me for my birthday as well as an adorable key ring and some cute hair clips! Abi, also in biology gave me an amazing light up bath duck, Terrys Chocolate Orange (to celebrate the anatomical creation we had previously made with one) and a cute demister... I thought I had to take a picture of one of the things to celebrate the fact I have some amazing newer friends, and the colours and fluffy bits on the pen made me happy, so there it is ;)

#015/365, 15-01-2010:

So, here is yesterdays - this is my life book! I'm filling it with things I want to do before I die, so that when I feel gloomy (like Eeyore ;) ) I can look in it and think about everything I may one day get to do... As things in my life are in contest, and issues are aplenty, I thought it would be appropriate to slip in the positivity...

None of these pictures are particularly creative... but thats because I'm spending most of my time revising, I do however, vow that I'm going to start to take proper pictures - not just for 365, but in general, and go out and do things... such as take pictures with some amazing friends and a very famous mouses world ;) Aha... Love you.


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