Thursday 7 January 2010

#007/365. 07-01-2010

"You should respect each other and avoid disputes; you should not, like oil and water, repel each other, but should, like milk and water, mingle together" -Buddha

As I promised, I have caught up, and here is todays 365:

This is a vintage milk bottle (I love vintage) filled with sequins and confetti I've collected up from special occassions... I thought they illustrated the quote... mingling together to create something I think is quite beautiful, and also represents, for me, a milk bottle full of memories...
So that's my 365 today, as I am trying to follow the quote and it feels quite apt for the things that happened today...
Thats all for now, not much else to report, just doing some organisation of something I hope to tell you all about soon!
Post later xoxoxo

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