Saturday 2 January 2010

Epiphany 2010... Well, the first one!

Anyone who knows me well enough will know that throughout the year I have majooor mood swings... one day I'll be depressive and not caring, and the next I'll have an 'epiphany' and think there is so much worth living for... well today was the first, after all my plans fell through and so many things went wrong I thought there was no point... I was even going to stop doing Project365 (after one photo, oh yes I'm good at sticking things out...) but then some things happened which completely changed my point of view...So, mainly for my benefit, here is the list of what changed my mind today...
  1. I realised that, for the first time, I have a way to track how I feel and the things I do - somewhere to moan about things that go wrong, and somewhere to celebrate the good things... and somewhere to randomly ramble about stupid things - like the top I saw someone wearing today (she was a barmaid, and it was blue and longsleeved woollen jumper, that was actually amazing, don't worry, I asked where it was from ;)...) or the guy I saw in the pub...(Yum, but taken... aha) So sorry all people in blogworld, this is what you have to endure.
  2. I also realised that I can keep track of my photos, on here, on facebook, on Flickr, and in a photoalbum I've got... so I have no excuse! I just need the inspiration, and thats where point 4 comes in!
  3. The year started by fizzling out - you worry what the years going to be like when 3 loved ones are rushed into hospital on New Years Eve, and it made me realise how much I have to live for - I might as well make the most of it before its too late...
  4. I also realised I have so many opportunities, okay, so I may be a bit silly at times and say no when I want to say yes... so I'm going to start saying YES more! Everyday I'm going to say yes to things I normally wouldn't. And that, I may need to save up for uni, but that doesn't mean I can't spend on things worthwhile. ---- So, people out there (Emilys this means you), MAKE SURE I DO!
  5. I also have to go back to the doctors this week, and thinking about it, I've realised that if things go the way they keep going, I'm going to be glad to have appreciated everything past, present and future! Soo this is the year for it...
  6. "There is always a moment when you have to act, despite your fears, and jump out into the unknown" ~ Helene Lerner-Robbins, from "Our Power as Women" This is the year that I plan on jumping!

Sooo, today (after my coursework, oh shucks, there are somethings you just have to get done first... oh well, that'll count too) I am completely reorganising my life - starting with the clutter on my bedroom floor, and ending with a message to all the people I love - before I start yet another positivity kick, I have some things to clear up and get sorted. No more bull, no more covering it up. Honesty is my way forth. So watch out for that.

Okay, thats all for now :) I shall be back to update (with my 365 picture number 2!) in a few hours, after this stuff gets sorted. I just have to post it so that out there somewhere I had evidence of my plan, and therefore I had to do it... sorry for the ramblings.

Muchos love xoxoxo


  1. This was a post I am incredibly happy to read my lovely! Keep to it and good things will happen xoxo

  2. Goodo Miss Emily, in that case you must make sure I stick to it!

  3. Loving this blog post! Lots and lots. Loving you more though. And don't worry, I shall MAKE SURE YOU STICK TO IT too. Of course. Yay. (:


Feel free to ramble along ;)