Monday 25 January 2010

Here we goooo....

Okay, final catch up:)

#021/365, Thursday 21st January: This is my childs umbrella which I bought ages ago for three distinct reasons: Firstly, it was for Breast Cancer, Secondly, it says 'Beth For Think Pink' on it - so I added an 'an' so now its says 'Bethan For Think Pink' and thirdly... there are sparkly bits that move in the handle :) So I took a picture because it was the first time this year its been wet enough to take it out!!

#022/365, Friday 22nd January:

I was just playing around with settings of Corduory as I tend to do... and liked the effect the convex glass had on this orchid, so yeah, s'bout it... :)

#023/365, Saturday 23rd January:
I have spent all weekend revising, I haven't seen anybody else - add to that the fact that I feel like death and this is what you get - my crazy father pretending to be a crocodile whilst putting out the mats.. yeah... is it any wonder I'm insane?!

#024/365, Sunday 24th January:

These are my parents! I decided they could be my 365 seeing as they were the only people I saw all day... I feel so confined!!!

#025/365, Monday 25th January - TODAY!! I CAUGHT UP :D

Today I had my first of the two january exams - biology- and it went appallingly, so I decided to photograph something positive instead - some of you may be aware that I have an addiction to polos, as in true addiction, going without gives me withdrawals and I go through packets today... well, no longer, this picture marks 6 days WITHOUT any polos!!! For some of you that won't mean much... but for me, that is a big deal!!!
Okay, so one more post today, an update post, and then, I pledge to (with exception of until Friday exam is done) be more up to date :D


  1. This blog would not be complete without polos!

  2. But 6 days without... that has to be a record!!

  3. Oh my gosh really? Cold turkey? blimey...


Feel free to ramble along ;)